Lancashire Best Kept Village Competition

Competition Criteria

Who can enter?

Lancashire Village The Lancashire Best Kept Village Competition is open to Local Authorities, Parish Councils, Residents' Associations, Village Hall Committees, Women's Institutes or any other organisation that can get the support and involvement of the rest of the village and its inhabitants.

There are six entry classes based on the population size of the village:

  • Large Village Class - Population 2,001 to 8,000 with 8 or more amenities (see entry form for amenities*).
  • Medium Village Class - Population 1,001 to 2,000 with 6 or more amenities.
  • Small Village Class - population 401 to 1,000 with 5 or more amenities.
  • Hamlet Class - population up to 400, with less than 4 amenities.
  • Champion Class - Any winner of the above Classes (except the Hamlet Class).
    Winners will remain and be entered in this class for a further 4 competitions. The 4 years will apply whether or not the village makes an entry during this period.
  • Urban Community Class - Larger Communities are encouraged to identify an area to enter – they may enter more than 1 area. Each area should be no more than the equivalent of up to 500m2. This gives extra chances to win awards and also makes it easier for the judges who have a smaller area to judge. (Trialled at 'Tidy Towns' in 2023.)
  • An amenity* is classed as a Church, Public Building, School, Community Noticeboard, etc. See Entry Form for details.

As well as looking for overall 'Best Kept Village' across the classes, replacing the 'Certificate of Merit', from 2019 'Outstanding Feature Award' entries are welcome and are judged across a number of categories covering external look and upkeep of specific areas and buildings, such as Churches, Schools, Public Halls, Shops, Children's Play Areas, Playing Fields, etc.

Outstanding Feature Award Entries

These are open to any village entering the main competition and can be used to persuade more people to enter into the spirit of the Competition. Judging for these entries is in addition to the main competition, adding to demands on judges, villages are restricted to a maximum of 10 entries and 1 entry per section. The winners of each category receiving a trophy and a certificate.

Sections available:

  1. Place of Worship and Grounds.
  2. School & Children's Nurseries.
  3. Village Pub or Inn / Restaurant.
  4. Hotel / Guest House.
  5. Public Hall, Community Centre, Institute, Library, Health Centre, Youth Centre.
  6. Public Playing Field/Sports Ground.
  7. Children's Play Area.
  8. Industrial or Commercial Premises.
  9. Shops.
  10. Residential / Nursing Home / Sheltered Accommodation.
  11. Community Noticeboard.
  12. War Memorial.
  13. Bowling Green & Surrounds.
  14. Cricket Ground & Surrounds.
  15. Public Garden.
  16. An item of Cultural/Social or Industrial Interest.


Whole Village Awards

The winners of the Hamlets, Small, Medium, Large Villages and the Champion Class Villages will receive a framed certificate and a plaque showing the name of the village, the village class and the year of the competition - to keep and display as they wish.

The winner of the Champion Class will also receive a trophy donated by the sponsor, the Lancashire Association of Local Councils. The trophy is held for one year and must be returned to the Secretary in August of the following year.

The runners-up in each of the village classes will receive a framed certificate - to keep and display as they wish.

Highly Commended or Commended certificates may be awarded to villages in any class at the discretion of the Committee.

A framed certificate can be awarded to the Best First Time Entry - highest marks in the First Round of Judging regardless of the village class.

Outstanding Features Awards

These are open to any village entering the main competition, and can be used as an incentive to persuade more villages to enter into the spirit of the Competition.

The winners of any of the Outstanding Features will receive a framed certificate they can retain and display for as long as they wish.

The Committee may award a Runner up, Highly Commended or Commended certificate where appropriate. Joint awards may be given where there is little difference between two or more entries.

Further information can be found in Village Entry Rules (2024).


News: Latest

The Committee is pleased to announce this year's competition is now underway with villages entering 'Best Kept Village', 'Outstanding Features' and new 'Urban Communities' categories. Judges training sessions to took place 10th April and 11th May at Elswick Vllage Hall..

Round 2 villages and Finalists (bold) announced.
◆ Champion - Blacko, Bretherton, Chipping, Grindleton, Sabden
◆ Large - Adlington Higher, Hambleton, Longton
◆ Medium - Goosnargh & Whittingham, Newburgh, Waddington
◆ Small - Belmont, Brindle, Roughlee, West Bradford
◆ Hamlet - Little Eccleston, Inglewhite

Second Round judging results released on 15th August; with Final Judging 20th and 21st August.

The 2024 results to be announced at Presentation Event at Eaves Hall West Bradford 14th October when awards for 'Best Kept Villages' and 'Outstanding Features' given out.

We would like to thank all the villages taking part this year and look forward to visiting as part of the judging process. As ever we much appreciate all who take part and support this event, especially our Judges, Committee and sponsors.

In 2019 the 'Constitution of the Competition' was updated and streamlined, simplifying all paperwork used by villages and judges; the Certificate of Merit part of the competition was overhauled, replaced by a secondary competition called 'Outstanding Features' - villages entering the main competition able to nominate up to 10 Outstanding Features of their village, and certificates awarded to the best in each class. Ahead of the 2023 competition there was further review of the Constitution, entry and judging criteria and a pilot in place to add a 'Tidy Towns' section - this has evolved to become 'Urban Communities'.

Other Information

'10 Lancashire villages that you should visit' Lancashire Life (article)

'10 Most Picturesque Villages in Lancashire' (Go Guide). Visit period drama sets, unique hamlets and areas of outstanding beauty…

Did you know there are regional best kept village competitions across the United Kingdom?

Our thanks to our 2024 sponsors: Barton Grange Group, Eaves Hall Hotel at West Radford, Lancashire Association of Local Councils (LALC).